Friday, September 16, 2005


Sorry to have been so quiet these past few days. We have no internet at Jason's dad's house, so we try to sneak an hour or so at a coffee shop each day. And during that hour I devour every bit of news I can.

Tomorrow we'll relocate to mom's friend's condo in Oldsmar. Hopefully then I will have more frequent access to the internet.

The news: Our neighborhood is open for business as of next Wednesday. But we are unable to return until the 27th because Jason has a business trip to DC from the 23-27 of Sept, and I'm not comfortable being alone in the apartment while he is gone. This is a major bummer for me. I wanted to be back as soon as I possibly could. But reason has trumped this passion.

No news on school.

Hope you all are well. You can look forward to rambling entries again soon.



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