Sunday, September 18, 2005


I'll start this post on a light note: Tomorrow, September 19, is Talk Like A Pirate Day. I, for one, will be doing my part. Not only is Florida pirate central in the US, but Punta Gorda, where we're heading tomorrow, boasts a number of pirate-related place names. We're hoping we'll find a number of like-minded pirate-types there. I highly recommend that you join me in celebrating Talk Like a Pirate day. Key words: Avast! Aye Aye! Ahoy! Arr! (ever wonder why pirate lingo has so many "A" words?) and of course Matey and Grog. I'm figuring a nationwide Talk Like A Pirate Day observance is at least as worthwhile as a National Day of Prayer.

It's been a while since I wrote a decent blog entry, and I probably won't swing it tonight either. Truthfully, there have been two reasons (1) lack of consistent internet access and (2) as any number of people who know me can attest to: when I get depressed, I get really quiet.

And I guess I wasn't all that depressed before. Horrified, heartbroken, angry, sad... I don't know the stages of grief, but I've been hovering somewhere in the "miserable" stage for the past week or so.

Rita is making her way toward the Keys and the projected path brings it too close for comfort to the Katrina affected regions. This brings yet another question mark to bear upon Nagin's plan to repopulate the city. The head of the recovery efforts, Thadd Allen, clearly doesn't think it's a good idea. No water, no power, no garbage collection, sewerage, etc. A number of people on the message board I've been following ( Orleans Parish Board) have returned to NO only to leave again because it was so horrid. I'm particularly struck by people talking about the "stench of death." And finally, even if Rita mercifully misses us, our levee systems have been so damaged that, according to Thadd Allen, even a number of "closely spaced thunderstorms" could cause a new breach. And at least two of the most popular evacuation routes are impassable.

Okay, hopefully newsy Melissa will return in a few days or so. Love to you all. Ahoy, Mateys! Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day! Say a few "Arrs" for me.


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