Thursday, June 15, 2006

Getting closer...

Around a week ago, I got a call from a telemarketing survey. I was walking, at night, from my house to a bar, alone, and I decided, what the heck, it might make me feel safer to be talking to someone on my dark walk. The questions started out about auto insurance, but then, at the end, they switched to questions about my "quality of life." I was surprised how many of the questions geniunely upset me.

One of the questions was: "On a scale of one to five, one being 'doesn't describe me at all' and five being 'describes me exactly,' how would you rate this statement: 'I believe that if something bad can happen, it probably will.'" I think I lied to the lady when I said "Three." I think I'm more of a four or a five.

I bring this up only because I'm having a really tough time being excited about the fact that in just a little while I'll be a proud homeowner.

Betsey called me today to tell me that the seller accepted my offer and accepted the terms of the offer. He's in the process of making all the repairs that I've requested right now.

At every turn during this process, I've felt this awful mixture of thrill and dread. Dread when the inspector came, dread that he'd discover that the house was rotting, about to fall down. And after a two and a half hour inspection, thrill when he pronounced the house "In really good shape for a 100 year old house." Dread when Betsey told me I should make my offer contingent on the seller repairing some of the things that were wrong with this place. Increasing dread when it took the guy three whole days to decide. And thrill fifteen minutes ago when he agreed.

I guess I won't feel stable until the keys are in my hand and we're getting ready to slap some paint on the walls. (Okay, at this very minute I feel a little bit better. I just went to the listing online for the house and it says CONTRACT PENDING. That's nice.)

But here's a picture of my hopefully future Home Sweet Home. Pretty cute, huh?


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