Sunday, November 06, 2005


It's been a long, long weekend. Not that that's a bad thing. I'm sure tomorrow morning when I wake up bright and early to go to school, I'll be wiped out and cranky that it's only Monday again. It's been a pretty full weekend, to be honest. Mostly full of working on cover letters and that sort of thing. Been trying to brainstorm some creative ways to make money during these slow times. So far I'm batting zero, for the most part. Sold a couple of things on e-Bay, but when you consider the time spent listing stuff and then the time spent packing stuff up and shipping it out-- it's pretty much minimum wage. As a giggle, I noticed that the few entrepreneurs around here who are making any money are doing it by printing up super-cute t-shirts, so I created a design of my own and posted it on Cafe Press. It looks like this:
I ordered a t-shirt and a bumpersticker for myself. Yes, I recognize that I pretty much spent what I earned on e-Bay. I'd have to sell a couple hundred of them to even make a week's worth of part-time pay, but heck, working on it made me happy for a couple of hours.

The whole waitressing thing didn't work out, but in hindsight it's probably better that it didn't. In just a couple weeks, I'd need four or five days off to go to Indiana for Thanksgiving. That probably wouldn't fly with a restaurant. Hal seems to have disappeared. I haven't worked for him for a week. I'm a bit in denial mode about my upcoming half-paycheck. I've spent a lot of time researching jobs and putting together resume stuff. Those have been some really miserable hours. There's nothing like seeing a job, knowing you're perfect for the job, and then putting together a cover letter and resume package that you know is just going to be one of hundreds received. I keep having to check myself-- I find myself practically groveling in my cover letters: "Please, please, please look carefully at this. I'm an excellent person and I need this job and I'd be so, so, so very good at it. Just ask me in for an interview and I promise I'll knock your sox off." Blech. (Hmmm... sox... Red Sox... I wonder if the Red Sox need help. I should add that to my list.)


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